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Learn English with Let's Talk
Let's Talk is a convenient way to learn English that combines audio and Video lessons.
Our mission is simple: to make learning easier by taking advantage of modern pedagogical principles and the latest web technologies.
How to increase english speaking confidence faster?✌️10 tips to speak english fluently & confidently
1 simple trick to speak fluent english faster | tips to learn 100 new english words in 1 week easily
How to start & end a conversation in english politely? 10 daily english expressions you should know!
What’s the difference between so and because? basic english lesson | spoken english practice | meera
10 rules of capitalisation | when to use capital letters in english writing | english grammar lesson
How to speak polite and diplomatic english? 10 english phrases that sound rude! learn polite english
Super catchy phrases to describe people, appearance & personality - advanced english speaking lesson
What should you say when you are stuck in a conversation? english gap filler phrases | learn english
British vs american english spelling differences - english writing tips. learn english with niharika
13 tips - how to learn & practice english at home alone, fast & easy? 50 question english level test
English conversation lesson - 8 funny english phrases to describe human body - english with niharika
Quasi rule to form questions in english | wh words & auxiliary verb structure | fix grammar mistakes
8 body language mistakes that make you less cool! tips for non verbal communication skills. niharika
English conversation practice | clever & funny english phrases for machines | improve spoken english
12 most beautiful english words i ❤️to use every day | advanced english vocabulary lesson | niharika
Explained! why can’t i understand native english speakers? shall i learn british or american english
Soft / polite english phrases to criticise without being rude | improve english speaking by michelle
How to score 9 band in ielts speaking test? lesson 01 - ielts exam training & coaching lesson series
Learn english for emotions | advanced words for english beginners | speak fluent english confidently
8 smart english phrases & idioms to speak english fluently and confidently | learn english -michelle
English speaking phrases to express indifference in daily conversation - improve your english faster
English grammar lesson - parts of a sentence | subject verb object agreement | for english beginners
Improve english vocabulary - stop saying ‘bad’ -10 other ways to say bad | english speaking practice
When not ✋to use ‘to’ in spoken english? | avoid common mistakes in english | english grammar lesson
Speak english like a native speaker! advanced english conversation phrases to speak english fluently
How to speak english with your eyes? learn english verbs to express with eyes | speak english easily
English abbreviations (short forms)you can’t avoid in daily spoken english | english speaking lesson
10 types of relationships - english vocabulary lesson to describe relationship | learn smart english
Advanced english lesson - stop saying ‘i work hard’ - learn 10 creative english phrases/ expressions
Useful english phrases with ‘brain’ for daily conversation | fluent english speaking practice lesson
Short & smart phrases to speak fluent english - phrasal verbs -animal names - learn english michelle
How to learn english the right way? follow my 30 min 5 step plan | tips to practice english fluency.
Learn 10 creative english phrases to say ‘i promise you’ confidently | spoken english lesson - meera
How to answer the question - how are you? learn 15 creative ways to respond to greetings in english.
English slang phrases & expressions with ‘talk’ - learn english with niharika | free english lessons
Negative to positive english word replacement - how to speak +ve english | english vocabulary lesson
Slang english words and expressions - ❤️ dating and relationships - english speaking practice lesson
Confusing english words | fix common pronunciation / vocabulary mistakes & errors | english speaking
How to talk about relationship status? – english speaking practice lesson | build english vocabulary
Top 7 everyday english phrases & expressions you will use over & over – learn english for real life.
Top 27 mispronounced everyday words | english pronunciation practice | improve accent |speak clearly
Imperative english sentences in passive voice | say ‘you’ without saying it | english grammar lesson
Practice past tense – answering ‘what did you do last night?’ – free english lesson | speak fluently
English vocabulary to talk about facial hair (moustache & beard styles) – free english lesson online
Go fruity–10 interesting idioms with fruits – free english speaking lessons | improve spoken english
English speaking lesson – what is different about travel, trip, journey & tour. –english vocabulary.
English phrases with ‘gold’ used in spoken english – improve english speaking | free english lessons
12 english phrases to ‘quit your job professionally’ – job interview skills |business english lesson
Spelling & pronunciation rules you missed out in school - english pronunciation lesson for beginners
Learn english - 06 heart expressions in english which are not romantic. ( english vocabulary lesson)