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Videos all about computers and computer stuff. Sister channel of Numberphile.
(not) discussing the web @ 30 years old - computerphile
Cracking enigma in 2021 - computerphile
Rfc (request for comment) explained - computerphile
The uncol problem - computerphile
Raspberry pi 4 on the raspberry pi 4 - computerphile
Almost all web encryption works like this (sp networks) - computerphile
Multi programming - computerphile
Zebras, horses & cyclegan - computerphile
Before raspberry pi and arduino - computerphile
Gpt-2: why didn't they release it? - computerphile
Self compiling compilers - computerphile
More gpt-2, the 'writer' of unicorn ai - computerphile
Data analysis 9: data regression - computerphile
Data analysis 8: classifying data - computerphile
Data analysis 7: clustering - computerphile
Data analysis 6: principal component analysis (pca) - computerphile
Data analysis 5: data reduction - computerphile
Data analysis 4: data transformation - computerphile
Data analysis 3: cleaning data - computerphile
Data analysis 2: data visualisation - computerphile
Data analysis 1: what is data? - computerphile
Data analysis 0: introduction to data analysis - computerphile
Data analysis - computerphile
Unicorn ai - computerphile
Low spec gaming - computerphile
Ai language models & transformers - computerphile
Fingerprint recognition - computerphile
Bootstrapping with t-diagrams - computerphile
Will graphene replace silicon? - computerphile
Deep learned super-sampling (dlss) - computerphile
Exploiting the tiltman break - computerphile
Bitcoin mining in 4 minutes - computerphile
Why bitcoin is not cash - computerphile
Initial orders ii - computerphile
Edsac simulator - computerphile
Elliptic curve back door - computerphile
Von neumann architecture - computerphile
Diceware & passwords - computerphile
Wheeler jump - computerphile
High performance computing (hpc) - computerphile
Spectre & meltdown - computerphile
Secret key exchange (diffie-hellman) - computerphile
The anonymisation problem - computerphile
Krack attacks (wifi wpa2 vulnerability) - computerphile
Triple ref pointers - computerphile
Why c is so influential - computerphile
Essentials: pointer power! - computerphile
Essentials: functional programming's y combinator - computerphile
Essentials: brian kernighan on associative arrays - computerphile
Now hiring? (what computing companies look for) - computerphile
Arrays vs linked lists - computerphile
Code books (prof brian kernighan) - computerphile
Concrete problems in ai safety (paper) - computerphile
Bell labs' research (prof brian kernighan) - computerphile
Tor hidden services - computerphile
Brain controlled movie - computerphile
Onion routing - computerphile
Sound recognition - computerphile
How wanacrypt encrypts your files - computerphile
Wana decrypt0r (wanacry ransomware) - computerphile
Internet of things problems - computerphile
Digital audio compression - computerphile
Megaprocessor - computerphile
Magic nothing up my sleeve numbers - computerphile
Avoid the middle-man (smart contracts) - computerphile
Sha: secure hashing algorithm - computerphile
Reed-muller code (64 shades of grey pt2) - computerphile
64 shades of martian grey - computerphile
End to end encryption (e2ee) - computerphile
The blockchain & bitcoin - computerphile
Inside the cpu - computerphile
Microsoft hololens - computerphile
Google tango - computerphile
The perfect code - computerphile
Ai stop button problem - computerphile
General ai won't want you to fix its code - computerphile
Correcting those errors - computerphile
A* (a star) search algorithm - computerphile
Multiple dimension error correction - computerphile
Implementation - computerphile
Lambda calculus - computerphile
Code checking automation - computerphile
Computer science ∩ mathematics (type theory) - computerphile
Funky music from functional programming - computerphile
Dijkstra's algorithm - computerphile
The dreaded 404 - computerphile
Computer science's wonder woman: ada lovelace - computerphile
Babbage's mechanical notation puzzle - computerphile
Sorting secret - computerphile
Babbage's analytical engine - computerphile
Quantum computing 'magic' - computerphile
Slow loris attack - computerphile
Explaining dirty cow - computerphile
Zero size files - computerphile
Sinclair & the zx spectrum - computerphile
Computing & radar displays - computerphile
Computing & air traffic control - computerphile
Bbc domesday (1980's google street view) - computerphile
Pdf workflow - computerphile
Pdf, what is it for? - computerphile
Unrolling the loops - computerphile
Deep dream (google) - computerphile
Physics of computer chips - computerphile
The interlaced video problem - computerphile
The game about games - computerphile
How to choose a password - computerphile
Password cracking - computerphile
Gamer's paradise - computerphile
Turing complete - computerphile
Inside a neural network - computerphile
Html is a programming language (imperative vs declarative) - computerphile
Secrets of the deep dark web (deep dark web pt2) - computerphile
Web vs internet (deep dark web pt1) - computerphile
Cookie stealing - computerphile
Where html beats c? - computerphile
Neural network that changes everything - computerphile
Extra bits: sgml html xml - computerphile
Paxos agreement - computerphile
Html: poison or panacea? (html part2) - computerphile
Deep learning - computerphile
Internet censorship explained - computerphile
Sgml html xml what's the difference? (part 1) - computerphile
The indie advantage (and criticism) - computerphile
Botnets - computerphile
Secure web browsing - computerphile
Alphago & deep learning - computerphile
Pong & object oriented programming - computerphile
The golden key: fbi vs apple iphone - computerphile
Buffer overflow attack - computerphile
Stereo 3d vision (how to avoid being dinner for wolves) - computerphile
Bitcoin problems - computerphile
Same story, different notation - computerphile
Angle brackets - computerphile
Computers without memory - computerphile
Chomsky hierarchy - computerphile
Cpu vs gpu (what's the difference?) - computerphile
How bitcoin works - computerphile
Why use binary? - computerphile
Raspberry pi zero - the $5 computer - computerphile
Why do cpus need caches? - computerphile
Tlu three letter username obsession - computerphile
Unix pipeline (brian kernighan) - computerphile
Canny edge detector - computerphile
Why asimov's laws of robotics don't work - computerphile
Finding the edges (sobel operator) - computerphile
Man in the middle attacks & superfish - computerphile
Connecting universities - computerphile
Chip & pin fraud explained - computerphile
Why do we need ip addresses? - computerphile
How blurs & filters work - computerphile
Unix special: profs kernighan & brailsford - computerphile
Zig zag decryption - computerphile
Why don knuth doesn't use email - computerphile
C programming language: brian kernighan - computerphile
Secrets hidden in images (steganography) - computerphile
The factory of ideas: working at bell labs - computerphile
Fishy codes: bletchley's other secret - computerphile
Deadly truth of general ai? - computerphile
The problem with jpeg - computerphile
Apple's $200,000 computer - computerphile
Colossus & bletchley park - computerphile
Jpeg dct, discrete cosine transform (jpeg pt2)- computerphile
Colourspaces (jpeg pt0)- computerphile
Xor & the half adder - computerphile
And or not - logic gates explained - computerphile
Flip flops, latches & memory details - computerphile
Why electronic voting is a bad idea - computerphile
How gangnam style broke youtube - computerphile
Tackling enigma (turing's enigma problem part 2) - computerphile
Turing's enigma problem (part 1) - computerphile
Where's the money in free software? - computerphile
Turing machine primer - computerphile
Turing machines explained - computerphile
Turing & the halting problem - computerphile
Internationalis(z)ing code - computerphile
Public key cryptography - computerphile
Emoji and the levitating businessman - computerphile
The most difficult program to compute? - computerphile
How computer memory works - computerphile
Just how do macs and pcs differ? - computerphile
Mac or pc? - computerphile
What on earth is recursion? - computerphile
Animated gifs and space vs time - computerphile
The attack that could disrupt the whole internet - computerphile
P vs np on tv - computerphile
Floating point numbers - computerphile
The problem with time & timezones - computerphile
Triangles to pixels - computerphile
The great 202 jailbreak - computerphile
How not to store passwords! - computerphile
Hashing algorithms and security - computerphile
Elegant compression in text (the lz 77 method) - computerphile
Cracking websites with cross site scripting - computerphile
Hacking websites with sql injection - computerphile
Characters, symbols and the unicode miracle - computerphile
Error correction - computerphile
Programming paradigms - computerphile
Error detection and flipping the bits - computerphile
Entropy in compression - computerphile
Compression - computerphile